A Comissão da CEDEAO está à procura de candidatos internos para os cargos listados abaixo na tabela abaixo para A Comissão, O Parlamento, O Tribunal de Justiça, GIABA e OOAS.
O prazo para se inscrever até segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2023
NO | Positions | Grade | Job ID | Institution /Agency | Department | Duty Station | Emails | Perfil de Funções |
1 | DIRECTOR COMMUNICATION | D1 | 20000075 | ECOWAS Commission | Office of the President | Abuja, Nigeria | B38directorcommunication@ecowas.int | 1 PORT_JOB PROFILE Director Communication |
2 | DIRECTOR, POLITICAL AFFAIRS | D1 | 20000392 | ECOWAS Commission | Political Affairs, Peace, and Security | Abuja, Nigeria | b30dpaffairs@ecowas.int | 2 PT JD_Director Political Affairs |
3 | DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES | D1 | 20000135 | ECOWAS Commission | Internal Services | Abuja, Nigeria | B38directorhumanresources@ecowas.int | 3 PT JOB PROFILE DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES |
4 | DIRECTOR, ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE, AND ICT | D1 | 20000729 | ECREEE | Infrastructure Energy and Digitalization | Praia Cape Verde | B38directoradminfinict@ecowas.int | 4 PT JOB PROFILE Director, Admin and Finance & ICT_ECREEE |
5 | DIRECTOR, WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CENTRE | D1 | 2000698 | ECOWAS Commission | Infrastructure Energy and Digitalization | Abuja, Nigeria | B38directorwaterresourcesmanagcentre@ecowas.int | 5 PT-JOB PROFILE_Director, Water Resources Management Centre |
6 | DIRECTOR, EVALUATION AND COMPLIANCE | D1 | 20001136 | GIABA | GIABA | Dakar, Sénégal | b39directorevaluationcompliance@ecowas.int | 6 PT JOB PROFILE – DIRECTOR EVALUATION & COMPLIANCE |
7 | DIRECTOR, DIGITAL ECONOMY AND POST | D1 | 20003238 | ECOWAS Commission | Infrastructure Energy and Digitalization | Abuja, Nigeria | B38directordigitaleconomypost@ecowas.int | 7 PT-JOB PROFILE_Director, Digital Economy & Post |
8 | PO STAFF WELFARE & EMPLOYEE SERVICES | P5 | 20000136 | ECOWAS Commission | Internal Services | Abuja, Nigeria | B38postaffwelfareemployeeservices@ecowas.int | 8 PT JOB PROFILE_PO Staff Welfare & Employee Services |
9 | PO ADMINISTRATION & HUMAN RESOURCES | P5 | 20001201 | GIABA | GIABA | Dakar, Sénégal | b39poadminhumanresources@ecowas.int | 9 PT- JOB PROFILE Principal Officer Administration Human Resources _GIABA |
10 | PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT | P5 | 20001202 | GIABA | GIABA | Dakar, Sénégal | b39principalaccountant@ecowas.int | 10 PT JOB PROFILE Principal Accountant _ GIABA |
11 | PO POLICY | P5 | 20003363 | GIABA | GIABA | Dakar, Sénégal | b39popolicy@ecowas.int | 11 PT JOB PROFILE. PO POLICY |
12 | INTERPRETER (ENGLISH) | P5 | 20001169 | GIABA | GIABA | Dakar, Sénégal | b39interpreterenglish@ecowas.int | 12 PT JOB PROFILE Interpreter (English)_GIABA |
13 | INTERPRETER (PORTUGUESE) | P5 | 20001170 | GIABA | GIABA | Dakar, Sénégal | b39interpreterportuguese@ecowas.int | 13 PT JOB PROFILE INTERPRETER (Portuguese)_GIABA |
14 | PRINCIPAL PROGRAM OFFICER, ADMINISTRATION, LOGISTICS & MAINTENANCE | P5 | 20002608 | ECOWAS Commission | Internal Services | Abuja, Nigeria | b30ppoalm@ecowas.int | 14 PT JD_ Principal Officer, Administration, Logistics & Maintenance(pt-PT) (1) |
15 | PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT, GRANTS & EXTERNAL FUNDS MANAGEMENT | P5 | 20000490 | ECOWAS Commission | Internal Services | Abuja, Nigeria | B38paccountgrantsexternfundmanagement@ecowas.int | 15 PT JOB PROFILE_P5 Grants & External Funds Management |
16 | PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT, FINANCIAL REPORTING & RECONCILIATION | P5 | 20003384 | ECOWAS Commission | Internal Services | Abuja, Nigeria | B38paccountfinreportreconciliation@ecowas.int | 16 PT JOB PROFILE P5 Financial Reporting & Reconciliation |
17 | HEAD OF DIVISION ADMINISTRATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES | P5 | 20000922 | ECOWAS Court of justice | Court of Justice | Abuja, Nigeria | 38headofdivisionadminhumanresources@ecowas.int | 17 PT JOB PROFILE DESCRIPTION HOD ADMIN |
18 | HEAD OF DIVISION, PUBLIC INFORMATION AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS | P5 | 20000915 | ECOWAS Court of justice | Court of Justice | Abuja, Nigeria | B38headofdivisionpubinfoextrelations@ecowas.int | 18 PT JOB PROFILE HOD COMMUNICATION |
19 | HEAD OF DIVISION LIBRARY AND DOCUMENTATION | P5 | 20000913 | ECOWAS Court of justice | Court of Justice | Abuja, Nigeria | B38headofdivisionliblegaldocument@ecowas.int | 19 PT JOB PROFILE HOD DOCUMENTATION |
20 | PO MEAT AND DIARY VALUE CHAINS DEVELOPMENT | P3/P4 | 20003768 | ECOWAS Commission | Economic Affairs and Agriculture | Abuja, Nigeria | B38pomeatdiaryvaluechaindevelop@ecowas.int | 20 PT JOB PROFILE _PO Meat and Diary Value Chains Development |
21 | PO NETWORK PLANNING DESIGN, SECURITY & DEPLOYMENT | P3/P4 | 20000165 | ECOWAS Commission | Internal Services | Abuja, Nigeria | B38ponetworkplanndesignsecdeploy@ecowas.int | 21 PT JOB PROFILE PO_Network Planning & Design, Security Deployment |
22 | TRAVEL OFFICER | P3/P4 | 20000325 | ECOWAS Commission | Internal Services | Abuja, Nigeria | B38travelofficer@ecowas.int | 22 PORT_ JOB PROFILE TRAVEL OFFICER |
Candidaturas que devem incluir:
- O formulário de candidatura (JOB APPLICATION FORM) preenchido adequadamente;
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Uma carta de motivação.